
A story woven into every design.

We recently sat down to try and come up with what encapsulates what we do and how we do it which you would think would be easy but to summarise it in one simple sentence what your unique offering is, it definitely isn’t! 

Allison & Co, our interior design service is relatively new in comparison to Annie Allison Designs, our wallpaper & fabric collections and whilst they are separate offerings, we did manage to come to the conclusion that there’s one common thread that ties them both together – there’s ‘A story woven into every design.’ Whether it’s through interior design, or in the patterns of our fabrics and wallpapers, each creation tells its own unique story.

At the heart of our work is the belief that design is more than just aesthetic—it’s a narrative that adds character, meaning, and personality to every space. It was a great exercise to really get to the heart of what we’re all about.